Monday, 29 July 2013

Centenary... 100 word challenge for grown ups

For the one hundredth 100 word challenge for grown ups, this week's prompt is "the Big C".  The challenge - to begin each line with the letter C.  To make it even more challenging (ha!) for myself, I decided to start each sentence with the letter C. 

“Careful. Careful my dear. Come along. Come along my dear. Come along with me. Come along and see. Celebrate. Celebrate my dear. Celebrate with me.”

Carrying the cake, I stumbled through the garden as my grandmother encouraged, mumbling in her way. Chuckling to herself, her mind taken by the disease of age.

“Count the candles on the cake. Celebrate. Carefully my dear.”

Crying out, I tripped, catching my foot on the edge of my grandmother's walking stick. 

Cake flew everywhere, decorating the garden in a sea of pink frosting. 

Candles, one hundred, counting her centenary, burning the grass.


  1. Cripes, what a calamity :D

  2. When I was 10 years old, my cake collapsed. I kept a brave face, but later that night, I cried.

  3. Oh, no! I was hopeful that things would go nicely, and then BAM. That's how mishaps often happen, right? Suddenly, just when we think things may turn out alright. Nice job!
    My response to the prompt: ‎

  4. carefully constructed...a date like that is certainly worth celebrating, mumbling or not. :) well done!
